Summary of the Vestforbrænding System View
Vestforbrænding Project
Vestforbrænding (VF) was founded by municipalities in 1970 with the aim to take care of waste management and replace landfills with energy recycling. In 2006 VF generated 250 GWh electricity and 1200 GWh heat, of which 300 GWh was sold in own network. The rest was sold to CTR and VEKS in the Greater Copenhagen District Heating system replacing heat form mainly the large CHP plants. As the energy policy changed from reducing oil to reducing CO2, VF elaborated business plans in 2006 and in 2010, proving that DH to own consumers could expand to 950 GWh replacing larger gas boilers. The CBA analysis showed an IRR of10% for the society and for VF.Currently more than 50% of the plans have been implemented successfully in accordance with the budget and with a start connection rate of around 80%. The detailed projects have in general confirmed an internal rate of return of typically 10% for the society including costs of CO2 and harmful emissions. As all profit of the projects reduces heat prices, VF has been able to reduce the heat prices the last 3 years. VF’s successful heat planning replacing gas boilers has inspired many other district heating companies to do the same, and thereby contributed to the implementation the newly formulated Danish energy policy. This also includes plans for district cooling.