Meet the Jury

The GDECA evaluation panel comprises experienced DHC leaders from business, academia, non-profit, finance and more, ensuring that each application will be thoroughly evaluated from a wide range of independent perspectives, and at the highest standards.

The Global District Energy Climate Awards submissions will be reviewed by an international panel of experts including the International Energy Agency (IEA), UN Environment Programme, Euroheat & Power, International District Energy Association (IDEA), Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association (APUEA), and is chaired by the IEA DHC Technology Collaboration Programme.



Dr. Robin Wiltshire

IEA DHC - The hub for international DHC research

Robin Wiltshire worked for 20 years at BRE, specialising in CHP and District Heating, participating in many of the initiatives which have led to the resurgence of DH in the UK. Leaving in 2015, he now works freelance with his own company Heatmatters Ltd, and also invests time with the younger generation teaching at an International School. He used also to give lectures at University College London and Brunel University. Robin is the current UK representative and Chair of the International Energy Agency (IEA) District Heating & Cooling Technology Collaboration Programme.

Members of the panel

Chiara Delmastro

IEA – International Energy Agency

Chiara works as Energy Analyst and Modeler at the International Energy Agency, focusing on buildings technologies and policies. She leads the work on district heating and is the desk officer for the District Heating and Cooling Technology Collaboration Programme (IEA DHC TCP). Previously she was working as a research fellow in Politecnico di Torino with main focus on energy access in developing countries and decarbonisation of heat and power sectors. Chiara holds a M.Sc in Energy and Nuclear Engineering and further specialized with a Ph.D. in urban energy planning and energy modelling for policy-oriented scenarios analysis.

Aurélie Beauvais

EHP – Euroheat & Power

Aurélie is the Managing Director of Euroheat & Power. She has over a decade of experience in political strategy, advocacy and EU energy & climate policies. Aurélie previously held the position of Deputy CEO and Policy Director of SolarPower Europe from 2017 to 2021. She has also headed the European Affairs department of the French Union of Electricity from 2012 to 2017.

Mikael Jakobsson

APUEA, Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association

Mikael is President of Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association (APUEA). He has over 20 years’ experience in the energy sector, with focus on District Energy and Thermal Power. For the past 15 years, Mikael has lived in Asia (Beijing, Nanjing and Bangkok), working as District Energy advisor and specialist to government agencies, investors, utilities, and solution providers.