“Barredo Colliery” District Heating | Mieres, Asturias, Spain Mieres has been traditionally a city closely linked to the activity of coal mining. The closure of coal mines represents for the…

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Veolia have designed and built sophisticated renewable fuelled plant at no cost to the University. Veolia will, own, operate and maintain the infrastructure for 10 years. After this time, ownership…

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Öresundskraft District Cooling | Helsingborg, Sweden In the city of Helsingborg in Sweden, the municipal energy company Öresundskraft supplies District Cooling to a variety of customers in the downtown area.…

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Kaunas DH system | Kaunas, Lithuania Kaunas with almost 300.000 inhabitants is the second largest city in Lithuania. It is a large center of business, science and industry. AB Kauno…

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ReUseHeat – excess heat recovery from the data center | Braunschweig, Germany Veolia is expanding its activities in the energy sector in order to stay at the vanguard of the…

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